Saturday, July 30, 2016

Our Choices at the Polls

Elections are the talk on all news, social media and in coffee shops. I don't know about you, but I am about sick of it all. Let's move on to what each person can do for this nation rather than what an individual will or will not do as they sit in the White House. Now let me explain to you that I do respect the office and to please hear me out before you shut me down.

I was in the sixth grade when I first heard anything about a president going to be elected. Fellow students had heard their parents talking and so much discussion was going on, the teacher decided we needed to have a classroom election. 

I really never listened to the news as a child. The only time I knew it was on was when my daddy made me get up to change the channel so he could listen to David and Chet! Then I left the room immediately because that was stuff adults needed to hear, I had more important things to do. Riding my bike and reading had to be more important, right? 

As the teacher passed out the ballots, I did not even know who was running, so I looked over to the boy sitting across from me. He wrote the name 'Kennedy,' so I did too! 

After writing that name down, I felt I should learn more about this man. I started watching the news, just enough to see what he looked like. I remember seeing his wife and thinking she was very pretty and they had sweet children. I do not remember what his slogan was or what the news said about him.  

Kennedy won and I was happy, but only because I knew I had written his name down on that little piece of paper and no other reason. 

When Kennedy was killed I was horrified. Did I really 'vote' for a man and then he was killed? What a shock and tragedy for our country as we watched the news for days as the horse drawn carriage went through the streets of Washington D.C. 

When politics get thrown at us today, I still don't like to listen, it is truth and reality vs desire and imagination. It is hard to tell the difference. Many will vote like I did as a child, because others say it is the right one. 

I am sharing all of this to give you my true feelings. We act as robots when we go to the polls. We try to vote the best, but do we really? 

We need to be praying constantly, unite together in prayer. God knows who is going to be in office in January. We need to pray for the person as well as the office. We should seek the face of God and plead our case with Him to protect our nation from the evil that is oozing out of the very homes which we live. We see marriages broken, television promoting sin, and electronics taking away our children and completely doing away with communication. No one knows how to talk anymore! 

Sometimes I just feel like exiting the polling booths, because with the choices I have, there is really not much of a choice. Is this the best America has to offer, the best to represent us in the world arena? I would really just like to get off at this exit please! Now don't get me wrong here, I will go to the polls to vote my heart, but I will go prayerfully. I just don't like all this rederick before election day. 

Ok, I will quit preaching, but listen folks, the political conventions are over, we have THREE choices, yes three. We can chose either party,  that is two choices. The third is we can decide as Christians to get off our 'duffs' and stand up for America, Israel and the unborn children! 

May God Bless American in these last days! 

"and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14


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