When I actually started thinking about life or death, the thought came to me, which came first?
Being a christian, I believe I will live for eternity in a place that Jesus has prepared for me. However, I also believe that life will be much better than the life here on earth!
Pause for just a minute and think along with me as we go into life, living and death:
We are conceived---beginning of life or existence as we know it as a human Jer 1:5
We live in the womb---beginning of formation of human Psalms 139:13-16
We are born into the world---life on our own as humans Genesis 1:28
We live our life ---- own choices Joshua 24:15 Joshua 24:15
We die a fleshly death -------end of life on earth
Ecclesiastes 9 says this:
9 I thought about all these things. I realized that those who are wise and do what is right are under God’s control. What they do is also under his control. But no one knows whether they will be loved or hated. 2 Everyone will die someday. Death comes to godly and sinful people alike. It comes to good and bad people alike. It comes to “clean” and “unclean” people alike. Those who offer sacrifices and those who don’t offer them also die.
A good person dies,
and so does a sinner.
Those who make promises die.
So do those who are afraid to make them.
and so does a sinner.
Those who make promises die.
So do those who are afraid to make them.
3 Here’s what is so bad about everything that happens on this earth. Death catches up with all of us. Also, the hearts of people are full of evil. They live in foolish pleasure. After that, they join those who have already died. 4 Anyone who is still living has hope. Even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!
5 People who are still alive know they’ll die.
But those who have died don’t know anything.
They don’t receive any more rewards.
And even their name is forgotten.
6 Their love, hate and jealousy disappear.
They will never share again
in anything that happens on earth"
But those who have died don’t know anything.
They don’t receive any more rewards.
And even their name is forgotten.
6 Their love, hate and jealousy disappear.
They will never share again
in anything that happens on earth"

Then, as the music slows, the ride slows down, slowly, so slow. Some get off by themselves, others are helped off.
But one thing I have noticed about this ride of 'life or death,' some get off the ride excited and smiling to go into the arms of those waiting to take them home. Others cry, not wanting to leave the ride yet, because home is not as much fun as the ride had been.
Life, death, life.....round and round, then it is over. I have realized, during my ride, that it doesn't seem as long for some as others. You never know when it is going to be your stop, when the music will quit.
The joy of getting on the ride at all, should be one that we know is exciting! John 10:10 He gives us life....ABUNDANT life! (often we don't choose the best horse!)
But, the joy of getting off and going home will be even greater!
"In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. " John 14:2-3
Watch for me on the ride, I may wave at you! If not, I hope to see you 'at home!'
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