When I was young, I remember the cold winters in Alabama. We knew it was bad outside, when folks passed our house with 'clang, clang, clang' as they drove with chains on their tires. We used to rub the windows to look out to see people pushing their trucks, since there wasn't four wheel drive back then.
Mother would put a chicken on the stove, the beginning of her famous stew. Then, cornbread would go into the old, treated with lard, cast iron skillet. The aroma would soon be filling the rooms of the house. Often my parents would go to pick up an elderly couple to come stay with us a few days, to keep them from going out on the bad roads. They would sit up late into the night playing Rook with them and eating Mama's stew.
The weather will soon change and we will see the tops of the flowers starting to pop up through the soil, giving folks something else to talk about.
Wonder why the conversations are not on God? Do our souls get cold like the winter? Do we go through times of 'drying up' and winterizing ourselves from Him?
If every now and then, we just spoke a word of encouragement to someone instead of words of warning, "Stay warm and be safe" would it make a difference?
Are we waiting on warmer weather to share the 'warm' love of Christ? Why do we Christians take a pause on being a Christian? Do we work at it too hard and then get tired, needing a break?
Is the freeze on winter or our hearts? Is it maybe why winter is so long and lonely?
James 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."
We must clear our minds, stay focused on Him. Be alert, like when we walk outside in the winter, watching for danger.
Draw close to Him, as we pull up to the fire and feel the warmth, He is the warmth for our souls.
Pray and encourage each other as you go, for we need to press on.
Springtime is coming, so is our Lord. Be ready.
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