Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stained and Sealed

We have been to the paint store looking at stain for our boat dock. I had no idea that marine seal was not all that was needed. In talking to the professionals, we found out that the wood needed 'restore' to bring it back to life before the stain or seal should be applied. The wood needs to be kept wet while the 'restore' is on the wood, so many details.

Then I moved on to the counter with the stains and sealers. You can get matte, gloss, semi-gloss and on and on. The clean up is either soap and water or solvent. What was next was the vast array of colors. Now it is time you understand that I hate making decisions. Starting with the light colors of the Color Gallery (I had no idea white came in so many hues!), I swiftly moved to the darker side of the spectrum. It was suggested we stay away from the reds, since they fade in the sun to various shades of pink or orange. 

Thinking and dreaming for days on the stains and repair, the word 'stain' itself kept lingering in my mind.  The cross then appeared in my mind, the blood that had dried and stained the wood. The wood that had not had been 'restored' and was now stained in red. 

Do you get this picture? Let's look at this a bit deeper:
The blood of Christ was (1) sacred blood. It was the blood of perfect man - the God Man. (Jn. 1:1,14), the lamb of God (Jn. 1:29). Since Christ alone was perfect God and perfect Man (Phil. 2:5-8), He alone was qualified to give His blood as the atonement for sin.

Christ's blood was also (2) sinless blood. His blood was like a lamb without spot or blemish (I Pet. 1:18-19). All other human blood has been tainted by the corruption of sin resulting from Adam's fall (Rom. 5:12, I Cor. 15:22), but the blood of Christ contained none of the sinful corruption which permeated all other humanity. When Judas Iscariot betrayed the Lord Jesus he knew that he was betraying "innocent blood" (Matt. 27:4). 

The wood of the cross had not been 'restored' and the blood was sinless. The wood was probably weathered and worn, like me, but the blood had no imperfections in it, no sin. It was the perfect blood of Christ and Him alone. He made a decision a long, long time ago, in the beginning of time to die for me. He did not hesitate like I have on staining a plain, old boat dock. My stain is imperfect, it has to be mixed and the wood needs to be restored and ready to receive it. 

This dock is so like my life, needing to be restored and made ready. I keep letting this battered world 'weather' me and have to be made 'new' in Him everyday. 

Thank you Lord for providing the 'stain' that is called the Blood of Christ that was shed for me. It will never need redoing in 5-8 years, it will last throughout eternity! Thank You for making that decision for me, so that all I needed to do was to say yes to You. 

Thank You for the renewing 'restore' that is always on standby when I mess up! Thank You for sealing me with the Blood!


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