Friday, December 20, 2013

Santa and Jesus, Both are coming!

Lights are twinkling in the neighborhoods, sweet aromas drifting through the houses. Yes, it is the time of year, where the laughter is heard throughout the house and the excitement of checking out the beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree! 

I remember one year when our daughter, Kara, came to me and in a quiet, low voice told me her two younger brothers had apparently opened all their gifts under the tree and rewrapped them. She could tell by the retaped paper. No, I did not ask her what she was doing, snooping under the tree herself!

Giving Kara a plastic bag, I sent her to the driveway to bring back rocks. She thought this a strange request, but followed the instructions. Then, telling her to help me get all the boys presents out from under the tree, we took them to my bedroom. We carefully opened each one, removed the toy or gift and replaced it with rocks.  24:30  "At that time the

As the day came to open Christmas gifts, the house filled with excitement. We passed out all the gifts and as our tradition, we took turns by opening one present at a time.  When the oldest of the young boys, Todd, got his gift, he grinned and shook it and said, "I sure hope I get a game!" (which was what he thought was in the box!) However, when he opened it and saw that there were only rocks in the box, he looked puzzled. I gasped and said, "What? You didn't open your presents before Christmas did you? When you open them before Christmas, they turn to rocks!" (a panic came across both Todd and B.J.'s faces!) We proceeded until the next 'gift of rocks' was opened. It was beginning to look like a very dismal Christmas for the boys! They had such a disheartened look on their faces, it broke my heart.  

Going into the bedroom, I pulled out a box that contained the original presents. The boys knew they had been caught, but had been forgiven. What started as a festive occasion, turned into fear and dismay, ended with peace and gladness....and love.

Christmas is a time for festivities, family and food.  I love the reuniting and the laughter of the little ones enjoying the new toys. I do not have a problem with Santa coming to the children and spreading joy. It is an innocent way of families showing their love in a silent way. Santa gives the gift with no expectations of receiving one in return. This is true love.

But, let us remember the truth of the celebrations. That one time there was a baby that was born, the beginning of salvation for you and me. The gifts He brings to us are eternal life, Himself, and the daily Presence of the Holy Spirit....all from God the Father.  

We know the things God the Father gives us will never turn to rocks, they are eternal. Let us all be as children this season! Excited about the Christmas holiday! Looking forward to the sighting of the love that is shone by giving of gifts. We as Christians know that we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, but we also know that we need to look up. He is coming again. Let us anticipate, with the childlike excitement, His return.  Is that Santa breaking across the sky in a sleigh full of gifts or could it be the Son of God, coming, bearing His gift of eternal life?  

"So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him" Hebrews 9:28

Matthew 24:30  "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.  they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 

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